how do you say thank you, when what you want to convey means more than words could ever describe?
our sale was a huge success and rod and i want to thank each and every one of you who attended and showed your support, who blogged about it and showed your support and who emailed their support. thank you, thank you, thank you.

we are very grateful and consider each and every one of you a friend. we offer you all a lifetime of favors.
highlights for us were - meeting
Alice ,
Jessica ,
Mindy ,
Amy ,
Robelyn and other bloggers and followers of our blog. spending the day 'shopping' with
Anne was without a doubt the most enjoyable day i have spent in a long long time and getting to know her Mom was such a treat. it felt like getting to know long lost cousins. i hated to see her go, but knew her trip would be a long one. and Anne, from the bottom of my heart - i could never thank you enough.
i really enjoyed seeing people make their 'piles' of merchandise. though some got mixed with others, i think overall, we did a good job of streamlining everything. the customers overall were friendly and happy and very funny.
i actually had a customer - and you were so cute - who tried my '50 cent, 50 cent, 50 cent' telepathy pricing game on me - but what made it cute was she said it out loud ... i'm still giggling about that one. cute.
i wish we had thought to take pics of the people attending, but honestly, we were very busy and it wasn't something i was thinking about. i promise to have an assigned photographer for the next event. and yes, we are planning another. nothing definite as yet, possibly in the spring.

for the moment we are doing a show
and NEW VENDORS this year.
TWO DAYS : Nov. 12th & 13th, Thurs. and Fri.
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Home Tour (all different decor this year) with LOTS of items on sale from bedding to furniture all Carol Carroll
Gatherings - Georgetown, Texas
Precious Memories - Temple
His Country - Temple
Junk Exchange - Waco
Old Time Primitives- Belton
Scentsy & Southern Living - Temple
Vintage Sue- Kansas
Just Soap - Victoria, Tx
Just Kids and More - Georgetown, Tx
Tickets @ the door $20 (proceeds for Ronald McDonald House)

afterwards, some new things on the horizon.
laterz, troy & rod
oh, do you like the new header?