Mindy made a post on her guest bath and it reminded me that I had never shared this with you all.
While we were in Illinois visiting Rods sister, Lori. Our business partner, Sherry stayed behind to work on product for the next show and offered to keep an eye on the house for us. We placed our puppies in a kennel.
Anyway, this is what our downstairs bathroom looked like when we left.
when we purchased the house, i pulled up a single tile to see what was underneath. it was a sticky mess and i never got around to pulling another up. it was something i figured we would get around to this spring.
This is what the bathroom looked like when we walked into our house after a 14 hour. trip. Tired and bleary eyed.
Sherry said she didn't think she was ever going to get the sticky up. I love my new bathroom. I didn't show you the medicine cabinet, but they started stripping the layers and layers of paint. Our plan is to take it down to the original wood and seal it. We also have an interesting treatment for the bathroom window planned that we saw while we were in Illinois. Stay tuned.
I am still in complete shock that Sherry and Steve did this while we were away. I just can't help but walk by it and stand and look. Rod says I shouldn't worry too much, we have another bathroom upstairs that is almost identical to the way this one used to look.
I told Sherry we might take a vacation around my birthday in June. Do you think it could happen again?
Love you,