Do you see the little black bear sitting in the corner of our oak settee? We call him Momma Bear (yeah, I know - him/her). He sits there all quiet as if he has nothing to say. But, as you will soon see, he has plenty to say.
I made him the fall of the year my mother died. In the fall of 2001. I made him while I sat spellbound as the lives of many changed forever. I had been dealing with my own grief over the death of first my brother-in-law and then my mother in the spring of that year. I felt I had a head start on dealing with grief, so I sat mesmerized as the whole country dealt with loss. And I sewed.
Sewing always relaxes me, just as cooking does.
My first thought was to make a single bear who would sit in a corner much the same way this one now sits.
One turned to two and two turned to four.
The fabric I used? I had just enough to make the four I needed. I carefully chose the colors from my selection by their wear. The fabric began as clothing that had belonged to my mother. The pattern fabric was a nightgown she spent a good deal of her final 6 months wearing in the nursing home where we had to place her. The black fabric was a jogging suit she would often wear to visit our fathers grave when she was able.
And I began cutting and sewing. The more I cut, the more I sewed, the more I cried.
Finally they were complete. Four identical bears made from the clothing of our mother. Just in time for Christmas. I wrapped each one identical.

Each of my brothers and sisters got a bear of their very own. Except I forgot to make one for myself. So, how did I get this one? He is the bear that belonged to my older sister, Sister, who died in June.

This is my oldest sister, Sister with her Momma Bear.

My baby sister, Renee with her Momma Bear.

My baby brother, Kevin with his Momma Bear.

My middle sister, Becky with her Momma Bear.
Just a reminder in this stress filled time, some of the best gifts come from the heart and don't cost a dime.
All my love and hoping each and every one of you has a Glorious and Merry Christmas.